
System Design Reading Notes 6: Design a Unique ID Generator in Distributed Systems

This is my reading notes for Chapter 7 in book “System Design Interview – An insider’s guide (Vol. 1)”.


Chapter 7 of “System Design Interview: An Insider’s Guide” tackles the challenge of generating unique IDs across distributed systems. The central problem arises from the need to ensure that each generated ID is unique, sortable by time, and fits within a fixed-length structure (typically 64 bits). In distributed systems, where multiple servers or services generate IDs independently, the difficulty is in coordinating the generation process without centralized bottlenecks or synchronization issues.

Key Points and Concepts

design a unique ID generator in distributed systems
  1. Understanding the Problem 

In distributed systems, generating unique IDs is crucial for a wide variety of applications. Unique IDs serve as primary keys in databases, identifiers for transactions, messages, logs, and more. Traditionally, databases use auto_increment fields to generate unique IDs. However, this approach fails in distributed environments due to the challenges of coordination and scalability.

  1. System Requirements

 When designing a unique ID generator, the following requirements must be addressed:

Additional constraints include fault tolerance, high availability, and minimal latency during ID generation.

  1. Common Approaches to Unique ID Generation

Several methods are explored in the chapter, each with its pros and cons:

  1. Twitter Snowflake Algorithm 

The Snowflake algorithm, developed by Twitter, offers a highly efficient solution for distributed ID generation. It ensures uniqueness, time-sorting, and scalability while fitting within a 64-bit structure. This approach is often recommended due to its simplicity and ability to scale effectively.
Snowflake ID Structure (64 bits):

Example: Imagine we are generating IDs using the Snowflake algorithm. Let’s assume:

The first ID might look like this:


When broken down:

The next ID generated within the same millisecond will simply increment the sequence number.

  1. Handling Failure Scenarios

Snowflake’s distributed ID generation model is not without challenges:

  1. Alternative Solutions

 Depending on the use case, the chapter also suggests other solutions that can be considered:

  1. Trade-offs and Performance Considerations

In any system design, trade-offs must be carefully evaluated. The chapter highlights:

  1. Tuning the Snowflake Algorithm

 Depending on the specific requirements of a system, the different sections of the 64-bit ID can be tuned:

Example: Suppose you are building a high-frequency trading platform that generates millions of IDs per second. You may decide to allocate 14 bits to the sequence number, allowing up to 16,384 IDs per millisecond. In this case, you would reduce the timestamp field to 39 bits, which still provides several decades of uptime.

The key takeaway from this chapter is the importance of balancing system performance, scalability, and reliability when designing a distributed unique ID generator. The Snowflake algorithm offers an elegant solution that meets most modern system requirements, but it still requires careful implementation, particularly around clock synchronization and handling failure scenarios.

Insights and Reflections

This chapter also reinforces the need to always think about trade-offs in system design. While UUIDs are straightforward and require no coordination, they sacrifice performance and sorting. Conversely, centralized ticket servers simplify ID generation logic but create bottlenecks and single points of failure. The right solution depends on the specific use case, traffic patterns, and system architecture.

Further Learning

This chapter is highly applicable for system designers who need to implement scalable and reliable solutions in real-world distributed environments, especially when high-throughput and low-latency ID generation is crucial.

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