
System Design Reading Notes 5: Design a Key-Value Store

This is my reading notes for Chapter 6 in book “System Design Interview – An insider’s guide (Vol. 1)”.


Chapter 6 focuses on the design of a key-value store, a type of non-relational database where data is stored as key-value pairs. The chapter walks through the key considerations in designing such a system, including understanding the trade-offs between consistency, availability, and partition tolerance, as well as implementing the necessary components for a scalable and reliable key-value store.

Key Concepts

  1. Key-Value Pair:
    • A key-value pair consists of a unique key and its associated value. The key is often a short string or hashed value, while the value can be a string, list, or object.
    • Example: “last_logged_in_at” could be a key with a value of “2024-08-11 10:00:00.”
  2. Operations Supported:
    • put(key, value): Inserts the value associated with the key.
    • get(key): Retrieves the value associated with the key.
  3. Design Scope:
    • The chapter emphasizes that there is no perfect design; instead, designs must balance trade-offs like read/write efficiency, memory usage, consistency, and availability.
    • The key characteristics of the key-value store designed in this chapter include small size for key-value pairs, ability to store large data, high availability, scalability, automatic scaling, tunable consistency, and low latency.

Single Server Key-Value Store

Distributed Key-Value Store

System Components

  1. Data Partitioning:
    • Consistent Hashing: A technique used to evenly distribute data across multiple servers and minimize data movement when servers are added or removed.
    • Servers are placed on a hash ring, and keys are assigned to servers based on their position on this ring.
  2. Data Replication:
    • Data is replicated across multiple servers to ensure high availability and reliability.
    • The number of replicas (N) and the quorum sizes for reads (R) and writes (W) are configured based on the desired trade-off between consistency and latency.
  3. Consistency Models:
    • Strong Consistency: Guarantees that every read returns the most recent write.
    • Weak Consistency: Allows for reads that might return stale data.
    • Eventual Consistency: Ensures that, given enough time, all replicas will converge to the same value.
    • Dynamo and Cassandra, popular key-value stores, use eventual consistency.
  4. Inconsistency Resolution:
    • Versioning: Each modification is treated as a new version of data, helping to detect and resolve conflicts.
    • Vector Clocks: A technique used to track the version history of each key-value pair across different replicas.
  5. Failure Handling:
    • Merkle Trees: Used for efficient synchronization of data across replicas by comparing hash trees of data.
    • Data Center Outage: Data is replicated across multiple data centers to ensure availability even during outages.

System Architecture

Write Path

  1. The write request is first persisted in a commit log file.
  2. Data is then saved in a memory cache.
  3. When the memory cache reaches a threshold, data is flushed to a sorted-string table (SSTable) on disk.

Read Path

  1. Data is first checked in memory; if not found, the system checks the Bloom filter.
  2. If the Bloom filter suggests a possible match, the SSTables are queried to retrieve the data.

Summary of Techniques

This chapter provides a comprehensive guide to designing a scalable and reliable key-value store, covering essential concepts like the CAP theorem, data partitioning and replication, consistency models, and failure handling mechanisms. The chapter also references real-world systems like Dynamo, Cassandra, and BigTable, providing practical insights into how these concepts are applied in large-scale distributed systems .


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Detailed Reading Notes and Summary for “Chapter 6: Design a Key-Value Store” from System Design Interview: An Insider’s Guide by Alex Xu


Chapter 6 delves into designing a key-value store, a fundamental building block in distributed systems. Key-value stores are pivotal for applications requiring low-latency data access, high availability, and scalability. The chapter explores various aspects of key-value store design, from basic concepts to advanced techniques used in large-scale distributed systems.

Key Concepts and Basic Operations

  1. Key-Value Pair:
    • A key-value store uses a simple yet powerful structure where data is stored as pairs of keys and values. The key is unique and can be used to retrieve the associated value efficiently.
    • Example:
      • Key: "user_12345"
      • Value: {"name": "John Doe", "email": "", "last_login": "2024-08-11T10:00:00Z"}
  2. Supported Operations:
    • Put (key, value): This operation inserts or updates the value associated with the key.
      • Example: put("user_12345", {"name": "John Doe", "email": ""}) inserts the user information.
    • Get (key): This operation retrieves the value associated with the key.
      • Example: get("user_12345") returns {"name": "John Doe", "email": ""}.

Design Scope and Considerations

  1. Design Requirements:
    • The key-value store should be capable of handling millions of read and write requests per second while ensuring high availability, low latency, and scalability.
    • Scalability: The system should be able to scale horizontally by adding more nodes.
    • Consistency: The design should balance between consistency, availability, and partition tolerance (CAP theorem).
  2. Trade-offs in Design:
    • Consistency vs. Availability: In the face of network partitions, a trade-off must be made between consistency (all nodes see the same data) and availability (the system is always available).
    • Example: Dynamo prioritizes availability and partition tolerance over strict consistency, leading to eventual consistency.

Single Server Key-Value Store

  1. In-Memory Hash Table:
    • A simple implementation uses a hash table where keys are hashed to determine the location of their corresponding values in memory. This allows for constant time complexity (O(1)) for both put and get operations.
    • Limitations: The in-memory approach is constrained by the amount of available memory and lacks durability (data is lost on server failure).
  2. Optimizations:
    • Data Compression: Compressing values can save memory space, but this introduces additional computational overhead during compression and decompression.
    • Memory Management: Implementing a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache can keep frequently accessed data in memory, while less frequently accessed data is persisted to disk.

Distributed Key-Value Store

  1. Motivation for Distribution:
    • To handle large datasets and provide high availability, the key-value store must be distributed across multiple servers. This distribution introduces challenges such as data partitioning, replication, and ensuring consistency across nodes.
  2. CAP Theorem:
    • The CAP theorem states that a distributed system can only provide two out of three guarantees: Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance. This leads to different design strategies:
      • CP Systems: Prioritize Consistency and Partition Tolerance (e.g., HBase).
      • AP Systems: Prioritize Availability and Partition Tolerance, accepting eventual consistency (e.g., Cassandra, Dynamo).

System Components and Techniques

  1. Data Partitioning:
    • Consistent Hashing: Used to evenly distribute data across nodes. Consistent hashing minimizes data movement when nodes are added or removed, making the system more scalable and fault-tolerant.
    • Example: In a consistent hashing ring, servers (nodes) and keys are both hashed to a position on the ring. A key is assigned to the first server encountered as you move clockwise around the ring.
  2. Data Replication:
    • To ensure availability and durability, data is replicated across multiple nodes.
    • Replication Factor (N): The number of copies of each piece of data.
    • Quorum Mechanism: Used to achieve a balance between consistency and availability.
      • R (Read Quorum): The minimum number of nodes that must respond to a read request.
      • W (Write Quorum): The minimum number of nodes that must acknowledge a write.
    • Example: If N = 3, R = 2, and W = 2, the system can tolerate one node failure while still ensuring data consistency.
  3. Consistency Models:
    • Strong Consistency: Guarantees that every read reflects the latest write.
      • Example: In a banking system, account balance reads must always reflect the latest transaction.
    • Eventual Consistency: Guarantees that, given enough time, all replicas will converge to the same value.
      • Example: In a social media platform, a user’s post might not immediately appear to all followers but will eventually be consistent across all replicas.
  4. Inconsistency Resolution:
    • Versioning: Each write operation creates a new version of the data, allowing the system to detect and resolve conflicts.
      • Example: If two versions of a user profile exist, the system might merge them or select the latest based on a timestamp.
    • Vector Clocks: Used to track the causal relationships between different versions of a key’s value, helping to resolve conflicts by understanding the order of operations.
  5. Failure Handling:
    • Merkle Trees: Data structures that allow efficient comparison and synchronization of data across replicas by comparing hash trees of data segments.
      • Example: Used in Cassandra to detect and repair inconsistencies between replicas.
    • Data Center Outage: Data is replicated across multiple geographically distributed data centers to ensure availability even if one data center fails.

System Architecture

  1. Coordinator Node:
    • In systems like Dynamo, a coordinator node is responsible for managing read and write requests, ensuring that the appropriate replicas are accessed or updated.
  2. Decentralized Architecture:
    • Nodes in the system are designed to have equal responsibilities, eliminating single points of failure and enabling the system to scale horizontally.

Write Path

  1. Commit Log:
    • When a write request is received, it is first persisted in a commit log (write-ahead log) to ensure durability.
    • Example: A new user registration is logged before being written to the in-memory database.
  2. Memory Cache:
    • After being logged, the data is stored in an in-memory cache for fast access.
    • Example: User session data is cached in memory for quick retrieval.
  3. SSTables:
    • Once the in-memory cache reaches a certain threshold, the data is flushed to disk in the form of Sorted String Tables (SSTables), which are immutable and can be merged efficiently.

Read Path

  1. Memory Lookup:
    • The system first checks if the data is in memory. If found, it is returned directly.
    • Example: If a user profile is cached, it’s returned immediately.
  2. Bloom Filter:
    • If the data is not in memory, a Bloom filter (a probabilistic data structure) is checked to quickly determine if the data might be in the SSTables on disk.
    • Example: Before searching SSTables, the Bloom filter can suggest whether the data is likely present, reducing unnecessary disk I/O.
  3. SSTable Query:
    • If the Bloom filter indicates a possible match, the relevant SSTables are queried to retrieve the data.
    • Example: The system searches the disk-based SSTables if the data is not found in memory.

Real-World Examples

  1. Dynamo (Amazon):
    • Dynamo uses consistent hashing for data distribution, a quorum mechanism for consistency, and vector clocks for conflict resolution. It is designed to prioritize availability and partition tolerance.
  2. Cassandra (Apache):
    • Cassandra, inspired by Dynamo, is an AP system that supports eventual consistency, tunable consistency levels, and uses SSTables for efficient storage and retrieval of data.
  3. BigTable (Google):
    • BigTable uses a distributed architecture, supports strong consistency, and employs SSTables and a hierarchical structure for managing large-scale data across multiple nodes.


Chapter 6 provides a thorough understanding of the design principles behind key-value stores, balancing the need for high availability, scalability, and consistency. By exploring real-world systems like Dynamo, Cassandra, and BigTable, the chapter illustrates how these concepts are applied in practice, offering valuable insights for designing robust and scalable key-value stores in distributed environments.

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